in case you haven't heard, We're moving to Japan, and we have to sell all
this stuff. contact me if you are interested.
1994 Saturn Station Wagon - 65K miles, fair/good condition: $2200 obo
- This is a 4-door station wagon. It's in decent shape, runs well, and gets
pretty good gas mileage. The transmission was worked on a couple years ago.
The car is a little scuffed up, overall. But it's a trooper.
Living Room Stereo, Furniture
- 20 inch Sony Color TV : Decent condition, approx 7 years
old - $50 obo
- Sony VCR : Good condition, approx 4 years old -
$50 $20
- Sony Audio Reciever : decent condition, approx 6 years
old -
$40 $30 obo
- Sony 5 disc CD player : decent condition, approx 6 years
old - $40 obo
Sony Dual Cassette Deck : good condition, approx 5 years
old - $30 obo SOLD
- Technics Record Player - best offer
- Yorkville Home Stereo / Monitor Speakers : good condition,
approx 7 years old - $40 obo
- Sofa - 3 seater, Pottery Barn, Sage (green) : not so
great condition, but could be recovered - best offer
A seriously injured chair which is very comfortable but
has been tortured by our cat for a year. You can just have this if you want
it. It could probably be recovered. Gone
Musical Equipment
- Fender Vibroverb Amp - 1996, 2x12, 40 watts. All tube.
Good condition, nice amp. Slap some good tubes in this puppy and it will
sound great. $500 obo
- Samick ES-335 copy guitar. Semi-hollow body. Great condition.
$500 obo
Keyboard Stand - folding. Make me an offer. SOLD!
Computer Equipment - Get it all for $1800 $1400 OBO
If you want to buy an individual component, make me an offer.
- PowerMac G4, Dual 800Mhz. 1.12 gigs of RAM, 2MB L3 cache,
128Mb GeForce Video card, 2 hard drives, one 40 gig, one 60 gig. Airport
Card (802.11b), Apple Superdrive (burn CDs & DVDs), USB, Firewire, Modem,
Ethernet, USB keyboard and mouse
Also includes:
Bluetooth USB dongle
Bose Media Mate speakers
Battery Backup Unit with Surge Protection
- 17 inch Apple LCD Studio Display, ADC connector
- 15 inch Apple LCD Studio Display, ADC connector, with
Apple ADC - DVI box
Apple iBook, 500 mhz G3, 512 megs of RAM, 40 gig hard
drive, CD burner plus DVD reading drive (combo drive) SOLD
- PC - AMD 1.3 gigahertz chip with 64 meg video card, 40
gig HD. Inside a Shuttle Mini-ATX metallic case. USB, Firewire, 802.11b
card that I can't get configured but which probably works...
- Check back here as we add more items...